Meeting and Program Schedule
Garden Club Calendar Strafford Community Calendar
Meeting and Program Schedule
Meetings generally start at 1:00 pm with presentations following at 2:30 at the Bow Lake Grange Hall (unless otherwise noted and pending local health guidelines)
Happy Gardening 2024!
April 15, 2024: Pot Luck Luncheon for Garden Club members @ noon hosted by Bob and Cynthia Bennett at their home.
May 6, 2024: Garden Club Meeting 1:00 pm @ the Bow Lake Grange. The Presentation: GO Native! Incorporating Native Plants into your Landscaping. Master Gardener Jane Raymond of Goffstown will present this UNH Cooperative Extension program.
May 25, 2024: Strafford Garden Club Plant Sale and Scholarship Fundraiser, 8-11 am, Strafford School Parking Lot.
June 3, 2024: Garden Club Meeting 1:00 pm @ the Bow Lake Grange. Presentation: Birdscaping - Landscaping for the Birds. This continues our gathering information about native plants with the emphasis on those beneficial for birds. Advanced Master Gardener, Ruth Droescher will present the Extension program.
June 24, 2024: Garden club trip to Moffatt-Ladd House and Garden Tour in Portsmouth
July 8, 2024: Garden Club Meeting 1:00 pm @ the Bow Lake Grange. Presentation: Craft and Science Fun with Elaine and Steve Leker. Elaine is a clever crafter, and Steve has a host of fun science activities he enjoys with the grandkids. We'll enjoy some demonstrations and try a thing or two!
July 17, 2024: Garden Club trip, Five Course Lunch at Pickity Place in Mason, NH
August 5, 2024: Garden Club Meeting 1:00 pm @ the Bow Lake Grange. Presentation: Keeping Animals out of the Garden! Nick Kucia from the US Department of Agriculture will bring information about deterrents and barriers thatcan help with our critter concerns.
September 9, 2024: Garden Club Meeting 1:00 pm @ the Bow Lake Grange. Presentation: Doing Away with Plastics. Gail Page will bring us up to date about the worldwide plastic problem. She will speak about global solutions, but concentrate on how we as individuals can help.
October 7, 2024: Garden Club Meeting 1:00 pm @ the Bow Lake Grange. Presentation: Putting the Garden to Bed. Master Gardener Ron Trexler will bring us this Extension program that will be in line with our protocol of NOT taking down plant stems. Ron will sort out things we should and should not do as we ready gardens for winter.
November 4, 2024: Buffet Lunch and Planning for 2025 programs and activities.
December 2, 2024 Strafford Garden Club Christmas Potluck Luncheon at Carol Chicarello's home.
Trips / Lunch
From April thru November we will try to have a field trip and/or local lunch planned for members. Monitor your email for more information. During Jan., Feb. and March while our gardens are resting through the winter, we will not have business meetings. Instead we will stay in touch with occasional lunches at local restaurants. Member suggestions for places are welcome!
Winter Luncheon at the Galley Hatch Restaurant
Strafford Community Calendar