Administrative Documents
By-Laws of the Strafford Garden Club
Established May 1994; Revised January 2000, March 2006,
September 2009 & 2011, November 2013 & 2019,
October 2021
Article I Name
This organization shall be called the Strafford Garden Club.
Article II Goals
1. To promote and carry out community projects, plantings and seasonal decorating for all citizens to enjoy.
2. To share members’ knowledge and further the education of members in fields related to horticulture, conservation, and ecology. (Horticulture – the cultivation of a garden. Conservation – the careful preservation and protection of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction or neglect. Ecology – the interrelationship of organisms and their environment.)
3. To offer speakers and workshops to members that will broaden the appreciation and knowledge of the natural decorative arts.
4. To involve members in Community Service by donating funds raised in special events and by participating in causes related to our interests in horticulture, conservation and ecology.
5. To have fun and enjoy the camaraderie of others with similar interests.
Article III Membership
All persons interested in furthering the Goals of the Strafford Garden Club may become members by accepting the By-laws and paying yearly dues.
Article IV Dues
1. The annual dues for membership shall be $10.00 payable at the May meeting.
2. Any member whose dues are unpaid by the November meeting risks not having her/his name published in the Membership Directory.
Article V Meetings
The regular meeting of the Strafford Garden Club shall be held the first Monday of the month from April through December. If a holiday falls on the first Monday, the meeting will be held on the second Monday of the month.
Article VI Nominations and Elections
1. All officers are elected for two year terms at the August meeting on odd numbered years. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of a Chairperson and two members. This committee shall prepare a list of candidates for elected offices, secure the consent of all nominees and present the list at the August meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee. The election shall be held at the meeting at which the candidates are presented. Elections shall be by a show of hands or secret ballot. Elections shall be determined by the majority of members present.
2. The newly elected officers shall assume office at this time. The regular term of office shall be a minimum of two years.
Article VII Officers & Executive Board
1. The elected officers of the Strafford Garden Club shall be: President, 1st Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
2. The Executive Board shall consist of the above named officers and Immediate Past President. The Executive Board shall meet once following the election of officers, once preceding the first meeting of the year and as necessary. The Executive Board shall transact all necessary business between meetings and shall have the power to fill vacancies in its own body. Standing Committee Coordinators may attend Executive Board meetings.
Article VIII Duties of the Officers
1. The President shall be responsible for the agenda and preside at all monthly meetings. The President shall appoint Standing Committees Coordinators and all special Ad Hoc committees as needed. The President shall provide direct support for Fundraiser, Publicity and SGC Scholarships. The President shall serve at the Public Liaison for the Strafford Garden Club.
2. The 1st Vice President shall aid the President. and perform duties of the President in case of absence. The 1st Vice President shall coordinate the Civic Beautification Initiative and provide support for the Digital Scrapbooks/Photos.
3. The 2nd Vice President position will be filled at the discretion of the membership on an as needed basis.
4. The Secretary shall take and keep written minutes on file of all Monthly Meetings and meetings of the Executive Board. The Secretary shall appoint and provide support to the Corresponding Secretary responsible for all correspondence. The Secretary shall retain, update and make available to members the SGC By-Laws. The Secretary shall provide support for the SGC Website.
5. The Treasurer shall receive all copies of SGC bills and receipts, pay all bills and disburse monies as authorized by the organization. The Treasurer shall report current account balances at the Monthly Meetings. The Treasurer shall prepare financial reports for the Annual Internal Audit by the 2nd Vice President and the Internal Audit Committee. The Treasurer shall prepare and file all IRS and other financial forms and prepare budgets as needed.
6. The Immediate Past President shall coordinate Readings to open each Monthly Meeting and articles on behalf of the SGC for the monthly printed Strafford Community Calendar.
7. The “Roles and Responsibilities of Officers” addendum to these By-Laws shall provide guidelines and procedures for the Executive Board Positions.
Article IX Standing Committees
1.The Standing Committees are as follows:
a). Beautification: Gwen’s Garden; Plantings; Road Clean Up
b). Programs: Refreshments; Speakers; Lunches
c). Fundraisers: Plant Sale
d). Publicity/Outreach: Community Calendar; Membership Book & Pamphlet;
Technology (Facebook & Website); Welcome Bags; Events; Scholarship Program
e). Archives: Digital Scrapbooks/Photos
2. The “Roles and Responsibilities of Standing Committees/Coordinators” addendum to these By-Laws shall provide guidelines and procedures supplemented by the detailed descriptions provided in the Ways & Means Records.
Article X Outreach by the Strafford Garden Club
The President shall serve as the Public Liaison for the SGC. All members are encouraged to serve as Representatives of the SGC to the Community and to attend meetings of other area garden clubs, share information, and invite members of those clubs to meetings of the Strafford Garden Club.
Article XI Amendments
These By-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Strafford Garden Club by a vote of the majority of the members present.